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Adzap Event Details

The "Adzap" event is scheduled for December 9th as part of the VTAPP Technical Fest. The competition consists of three exciting rounds that test participants' marketing and creative skills.

Round 1: Logo and Tagline Identification

Teams will kick off the competition by identifying brand names based on logos or taglines. The top-performing teams in this round will advance to the next stage.

Round 2: Advertisement Project Identification

In the second round, participants will watch advertisements projected on the screen and must identify the corresponding products or brand names. The best teams from this round will move forward to the final stage.

Round 3: Creative Advertising Challenge

The ultimate challenge awaits in the final round. Teams will be tasked with presenting a creative advertising or promotion idea for a given product within a tight 5-10 minute timeframe, showcasing their on-the-spot creativity.


The top three winners will be rewarded as follows:

  • 1st Place: Rs 5000
  • 2nd Place: Rs 3000
  • 3rd Place: Rs 2000

Team Requirements

  • Teams must consist of a minimum of 2 members and a maximum of 4 members.

Participation Fee

  • Each team member is required to pay a participation fee of Rs 100.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your marketing prowess and creativity! Join "Adzap" and compete for exciting prizes. Good luck to all participants!

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Developed with 🤍 by Sai Pranay & Akhil Tulluri